New Mexico Tax Lawyers
Our Albuquerque tax attorneys can help you with your federal or state tax issues. Our Albuquerque business lawyer, and Albuquerque estate planning attorney can help you minimize your taxes. Our firm advises about tax at every opportunity possible, for instance taxes play a large part in the corporate form we recommend for your business. Our attorneys represent corporate clients and tax planning is often a large consideration when making business decisions. One example where tax is afforded great consideration, is with the sale or purchase of a business, because how the assets are classified determines how those assets will be depreciated. Taxes can also play a role in how a settlement is structured, because the allocation of damages can have taxes consequences.
Our tax attorneys can help you with various aspects of taxation, whether it be from tax planning, negotiating with the Internal Revenue Service, or litigation before the tax court or federal district court. Additionally, our New Mexico tax attorneys can help you deal with New Mexico’s unique gross receipts system. If you need help with your tax issue, contact us today.
Non-Profit Tax Law
Our non-profit attorneys can help your business obtain its tax exempt status. Filing the application for recognition as a tax exempt organization can be a difficult process; our non-profit lawyers can help guide you through this process as they have prepared numerous applications. Contact us today to help you form your non-profit and have it recognized by the federal (and state) government as a tax exempt organization. Not only do we help non-profit companies obtain tax exempt status, but we also help those organizations maintain its tax exempt status.